You's a BAD motha! Shut your mouth!
I know, that's really far. Believe me, going into the last mile, I seriously thought my brain was cooked. But to be honest, I don't think I could have stopped even if I wanted to. My legs were on auto pilot, just running. It was a really nice day out and I thought, shoot, why not bust a long one. 11 miles later, I was seriously questioning my reasoning, especially since I was wearing a pair of shoes I purchased two days previously. That made for some fun leg pains. My IT band is super pumped with me right now.
I have to say, though, I am starting to like this long distance running thing. I mean, it feels like you are out on the road for all of April, but it didn't take that long. This 12 miler gave some serious credibility to jumping into the Boston Marathon around Wellesley and running a half. What will not be super awesome about jumping in at this point is Heart Break Hill, which is only a few miles from where I plan on starting. Nothing says fun like a full 1.5 miles of incline; Whoooooooooooooooooooooo!
I have to admit that I didn't mean to run 12, more like 10.5. No, no, I didn't get lost, per say, just more confused than anything else. check out the map below from, which I used to plot out most of my runs. It may not look systematic, but I actually meant to run that loop, but got confused on a few side streets that ended up tacking on an extra mile and a half.
Before I go on, I just have to make a quick quip about a dude who made a comment on my tube socks.
OK, tube socks, maybe not what the majority of people like to wear. You know what, tube socks are dope, especially the kind that have the thick cotton around the feet like the Puma ones I rock exclusively (Puma, hit me up, I would love to rock your joints for a small fee). Before my run, a dude made a comment about them, how any sock that went above the ankle was off limits. See, I used to think so too, but there is something dashing about the tube sock now. I don't know, call it a fashion trend that has grown on me in my older years. However, this little dig at my tubes was not the problem. The problem was the source of the comment.
There I was, stretching, getting ready to head out, you know, minding my own business when a middle aged dude walks by me and stops.
"Nice tube socks," says the middle aged guy with a snicker.
Now I could really have given a deuce, but after taking one look at this cat, I just got annoyed. You see, home slice was wearing a running tank top, which is fine, I have several. However, he was also wearing some SERIOUS poom poom running shorts. For those who are not schooled on just what poom pooms are, refer to the picture below:

Yep, those are poom pooms. You older folks might refer to them as daisy dukes, hence the picture of Catherine Bach. Either way you slice it, dude was sporting a serious pair of shorts. Now again, I don't care as yes, I too own a few pairs of short running shorts (what, they are comfortable for long runs...even though they are quite revealing). However, I do not, nor will I ever, own anything with floral patterns.
Yes, floral patterns. Dude was heading out on a long run looking like he was sponsored by the Talbots spring collection. I'll take the tube socks, thanks.
That is all.
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