Monday, April 21, 2008

Marathon Week

I am writing from my apartment, 45 minutes before the Boston Marathon kicks off. I should be getting on my way soon, but that would be just too practical. I will wait until the last second, thank you very much.

It has been an interesting, if not trying, week of training. As if on cue, I came down with what I thought was just a cold earlier in the week. I thought I could just run in out of me, even though I don't know if that is actually possible. After about 5 miles of flem and fun, I realized I might have an issue trying to finish 13 miles come Monday if this keeps up. Sure enough, I broke out into some serious sweats that night and into the next day. My sinuses started to really bother me, my chest was getting in the act, and I thought it would be a good idea to just try and get a run in regardless.

Not a greaaaat idea.

I made it about a mile before I felt like I wanted to pass out. Awesome!

So, I have taken a bunch of days off since, and although not 100%, I feel a bit better.

What's that? Skip the Boston Marathon and take it easy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whoooo, that's funny. Come on, now, you know me better than that by now. I will be running in T-minus 3 hours whether I feel like gold or a box of smashed bums. 

Giddy up.

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