I first would like to apologize to my new friend, who I disrespected the other day.
Goo, I am sorry.
I know, I called you something along the lines of hot trash. I was a little dehydrated at the time, I wasn't thinking clearly; I don't know what got into me. I feel as though our relationship has gotten off on the wrong foot. I would like to start anew, take a clean slate approach - what do you say? I promise not to call you names and say you taste like mung if you promise to provide me an insane amount of energy similar to rocket fuel. Deal?
So I pounded out 11 miles this past Saturday. It was really far, the farthest I have ever run. I know 11 miles is eleven miles, but this was a really long 11 miles. Remember that whole bit about my problem with planning? Yeah, well, that kind of came into play again. You see, Hopkinton, MA in regards to the Boston Marathon, sits up on a hill, allowing the runners a fairly drastic descent over the first 3 to 4 miles. I knew this before I set out to run my pre-determined 10 mile long run. Did I map it out, check to see what type of run this could turn into? HAHAHAHA, whoooooo. No, no I did not to answer your question.
I knew I was in trouble after the first few minutes of this particular journey. You see, I sometimes have trouble gauging how fast my pace is. By that I mean I refuse to feel like I am going slow, so I tend to go out too hard and end up sucking wind within the first few miles. And wouldn't fate have it that two people I work with show up at the start line just as I am about to head out. Of course, these two guys are super fit as they plan to run the Boston Marathon in a few weeks. So what do I do? Yep, you guessed it, I tried to keep pace with them. ten minutes and a few F-bombs later, I was knee deep in the hoopla and this starship was off to a bad start.
Luckily for me I am impatient, which led me to slam that Goo before I started out. Let me tell you, my new friend might taste like a bag of smashed booties but man, can they fire you up. And those of you who know me, I don't really need much to reaise my energy level; I my day to day speed is usually measured at the ludacris level. However, after kidding myself and running like I stole something, I was in need of a pick me up. I;ll tell you, that gooey scrumtrulescence is amazing stuff. I was able to make it to the 5 mile marker without seriously considering hailing a cab. What I did know was that I had just descended some SURIOUS hills and I had to turn around and go back. One goo pack of Mint Chocolate and a few watery-eyed dry heaves and I was ready to go.
Yeah, I can't accurately portray the world of pain I was operating in on those last 5 miles. Instead, I would like to explain myself through pictures, a before and after montage if you will:

or as my younger sister, Annie, likes to think I look like:
Liono? Really? I mean, besides the forearms, I don't see the resemblance. Well, maybe the cat-like moves I guess, but that still is pushing it.
And after being drop kicked off of the pain train:

(I will fix the formating in the morning...)
Yep, didn't feel AWESOME after that run. But, I got my 11 in, one more than I planned but that will do.
What? I have a mullet? Easy, there is a difference between a true business in the front, party in the back dome slice and the hat-mullet. I have a mullitude of hair, I don't enjoy it in my face as I am swearing my way up mountains (hills, mountains, whatever. You didn't know K2 was actually in eastern MA? Look it up, on wikipedia). So, I have to bite the bullet and rock the faux mullet every now and again.
That is all for now. I have another long run tomorrow morning. I had some minor surgery done this morning and I was told not to run for a few days. But, my primary care doctor only went to medical school, so what does he know?
What? I have a mullet? Easy, there is a difference between a true business in the front, party in the back dome slice and the hat-mullet. I have a mullitude of hair, I don't enjoy it in my face as I am swearing my way up mountains (hills, mountains, whatever. You didn't know K2 was actually in eastern MA? Look it up, on wikipedia). So, I have to bite the bullet and rock the faux mullet every now and again.
That is all for now. I have another long run tomorrow morning. I had some minor surgery done this morning and I was told not to run for a few days. But, my primary care doctor only went to medical school, so what does he know?
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