Now as I have said before, sometimes I get a little carried away on my runs, thinking that I just might be an extra in Chariot's of Fire. Translation - I take off like a bat out of hell. I don't know why I do it, you would think after dry heaving over and over again I would get that sprinting the first mile of a long run isn't so smart. Apparently I have memory loss in that department because as soon as I crossed the 93 overpass I was ouuuuuuuuuuuuuut. Seriously, I might as well have resurected my old nickname, The Caucasian Comet, as I was hammering along. The thing is, I normally do not feel great when I take off, but this time was different. I felt awesome, my legs felt fresh, I wasn't overtired, my endurance felt money, I got whistled at, etc. As I made my way down Dorchester Ave, I continued to pick up the pace, flying by D street, racing no one but believing I was winning anyway. When I got to my first turn point at A street, I was feeling money. However, the logical part of my brain must have woken up from its nap because thought ran through my head,
"Hmm, I have 5 and a half more miles left, maybe I should slow it down a bit."
Good idea. I took a right onto A and headed off to the financial district at a much slower clip, thinking that my sprint warm up was a good way to warm the legs up.
"You should have worn pants if you wanted to warm up your legs, @#$%#@$," I thought to myself as I walked along the Boston Commons. Yeah, that is right, I said walked. Apparently that Hyper Hypo start to my run zapped a good deal of my energy, as I felt like someone had stolen my mojo. My legs felt like wet noodles, I had no giddy up, and I was a looooong way from my apartment. The best part was that it was dark, and I had to run down some shadey sections to get back. Again, planning, not my strong suit.
I figigure I must have walked about half a mile, hoping that my legs would come back from their unannounced sabatical. But, after passing through the Theatre District and trying to cut back around to find 93, I thought it would be in my best interest to start running again.
I am not scared of running is strange places, dark alleys, etc. However, I do have, as those who know me can attest to, a very active imagination. So as I am running along the dimply lit roads along the railway, under overpasses, etc., the only thing I can here is the theme music coming from my own head. No, it's not the Rocky theme, although that would have been nice. It wasn't even Eddie Van Halen's SIIIIIICK guitar riff from Top Gun (which I have always wanted as my ringtone, which would go off in public and I would recieve high fives from all of the dudes around). No, Think creepy overcoat, scary voice, zero happiness.
Yes! You got it, Robert Stack. Wow, how did you guess that? Amazing...

The Unsolved Mysteries theme was playing over and over in my head as I was criss crossing my way home over railroad overpasses and under the highway. I can see my episode now....
Sketchy backlot scene that looks like it exists in no town or city, anywhere? Check
All KINDS of fake smoke and fog? Check
Overly confused actor in retro 80's running gear, complete with permed-out dome and purple jogging suit? Check
Last shot of overactor running into an ominous cloud of faux fog, in coordination with the line, "Never to be seen or heard from again." Check.
I swear, I was looking for that creepy rain coat. Thankfully nothing came of it and I was fine. I did, however, find my second wind. Now, I probably should have just ran a comfortable pace home and called it a night.
I pushed the pace, as usual, down Dorchester Ave to see how long I could keep it up. I don't know where my energy was coming from as I certainly did not stop at a taco stand underneath the high way...although I would have if there were one. What? Meat under the highway, totally safe. Where ever it came from, I hammered all the way back to my apartment, at which point I came to the realization that a) I seriosly need to get some coaching for this training thing and b) my Unsolved Mysteries episode would be soooooooooo sick.
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