Friday, July 11, 2008

Fundraising update

I thought I would update you all with some fundraising numbers. I just got a note from Dr. Petit, said that the numbers from the Petit Foundation golf tournament will most likely be up over $100,000. I have to give a huge congrats to him and the people who put this wonderful event on. If you want to get involved, head over to the Petit 5k road race page at,

As of right now, there are over 1,000 folks signed up to run on Sunday, July 20th. I will be there, hopefully with a few friends from the area.

As far as my own fundraising, I have to get on the ball. Thank You to all those who have given so far. I will send out another email tonight, as I still think I can hit my goal. It's a big number, but definitely doable. If you want to give, head over to

Thank You to you all in advance!



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