Friday, March 28, 2008

A few things

I just realized that I meant to write about my recent easy runs in the last post


These things tend to happen with me.

I wanted to mention that I am adding David Hetzel, my cousin and fellow homie, to the reasons why I am running this marathon. Dave was recently diagnosed with MS, and I feel that it is my responsibility to help him out. With that said, part of this is for you, Dave.

OK- I probably should get some work done.

Right. I am off to quench my thirst with a scrumtrulescent Coke Zero. It doesn't taste like regular Coke, but I promised my coworkers I wouldn't drink that anymore. I tend to get a bit hyper, or more so than usual. Coke Zero will have to suffice, I guess, even though it tastes like flat Coke, only with carbonation...if all.




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