Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The begining

Hello all-

Well, this is the begining of what I hope to be a successful venture into the world of marathon running. I must say that this is unchartered territory for me, as I am used to running as fast as I can, turning left as I go, and finishing in 50 seconds or less. For those of you who have never run track before, my race in college was the 400, a lot shorter than 26.2 miles.

"Hey Hetzel, do you want to run some miles with us?"

"Nope, not at all, really. Let me know how that goes. I will be here jumping on the high jump mats. Late!"

That about sums up my college running career, jumping into and over things and an occasional open 400 and a few relays. There was that one 1000 meter race I had to run for a multi event, but I have blocked it from memory. I will let others who were there comment on my amazing display of talent.

I know that I can run a marathon, and run it pretty well. I have until October 26, 2008 to prepare myself, so I have plenty of time. That said, 7 months is a long way off, and a lot can happen. For those that know me, they will tell you to stay tuned. It is always an adventure when Brian Hetzel is involved.

Well, here I go...............

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