Monday, August 25, 2008

Run 4 St. Lawrence

So to all of those that read this, you know that I am obsessed with the Scarlet and the Brown, Mud and Blood; St. Lawrence University and all that it entails. Well, a big part of what keeps me fired up are the alumni that are just as rabid as I am, and for the most part, they hail from the Cross Country and Track and Field teams. Because we are so fresh and so clean, clean, we often connect like Voltron for big races, relays, events, and any other debaucheries we can think of. Since we all chose to attend college at this fine academic institution, we are therefore incredibly intelligent. What does that mean, exactly? Well, it means that a) we really are that dope b) we all at one time ate fat bags at 3 a.m. and c) decided that taking over the world would need a website. Therefore, following was born:

This is the brainchild of the famous, and quite infamous, Sammy. While we all helped here and there along the way, there isn't a chance in hell that so many hotel rooms around the country would have been collectively owned if it were not for his organizational prowess. So, hat tip to Sammy, he can hook a steak up, as Biggie would say (40oz. tip-emphasis added).

So, check out the website if you want to see what winning looks like. And by winning I mean at everything, et al.

Git out now!

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